Colorado Mudjacking Service - How Do You Know You Need It?
Friday, July 18, 2014
By Dave Roberts
Have you been wondering whether or not you need to hire the services of a Colorado mudjacking firm? If you have extensive concrete work around your home, there is a good chance that the answer is a resounding ‘yes’. Before you place a call to the local mudjacking firm however, it might be worthwhile to find out what the process involves and what the definitive signs that you need such a service are.
First let's tackle what mudjacking is. At its very basic, mudjacking is the process by which concrete slabs that have come out of place are raised back into position. The reason why most concrete surfaces or flooring crack and fall apart is the shifting of the ground underneath. As gaps or holes develop in the ground, the individual slabs slip into them and become uneven. They may also crack, buckle, or crumble, which can render the surface pretty much useless. The characteristic uneven and buckled surface is one of the key indicators that you do need the services of a Colorado mudjacking outfit.
In order to raise the concrete, the crew first drills holes into the slabs and pushes a hose through. Slurry–which is a mixture of concrete, sand, and gravel–is pumped through the hose into the gaps underneath. As the slurry fills up the spaces, the concrete is pushed up back into place. The result is a concrete surface that is just as strong as before.
Need to find out more about Colorado mudjacking? Call us at Denver Mudjacking 303-840-4725. We can help!