Why Changing Temperatures Require Colorado Concrete Repair
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
By Dave Roberts
As the Colorado winter ends many homes will require Colorado concrete repair. As a concrete repair company we do a lot of work year around but summer is always our busiest season because that is when the soils dry down and compress, which causes sinking.
The always-changing climate in Denver is pretty tough on concrete. Because Colorado is a state that has many cycles of freezing and thawing it will typically have more concrete issues than other parts of the country.
What happens in Colorado is moisture gets under sidewalks after snow melts. Then that water freezes and thaws as the temperature fluctuates. This causes the concretes to be raised. Then when summer hits the soil completely dries, which compresses it and allows the concrete to sink.
The good news for Colorado homeowners is that companies like Cascade mudjacking can provide a cost effective solution to sinking concrete. We offer a Colorado concrete repair service known as “mudjacking.” This fast, affordable, and effective solution can restore the sunken concrete to its original height and prevent any further damage.
Over the years specialized concrete repair companies like us have perfected the process making it a permanent solution to your concrete problems. Our special mixture we pump under the concrete will not expand and compress like the original soil so you wont have to worry about the same issue happening next year.
If the Colorado winter has been hard on your concrete, give Cascade Mudjacking a call. We will send over one of our knowledgeable technicians to give you a free estimate. 303-840-4725